
Amalgamation - Chapter 13, Tempted

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Literature Text

Title:  Amalgamation
Author:  Loraine95
Game:  Mass Effect, Dragon Age
Characters:  Alistair, Duncan, Wynne, Morrigan, Flemeth, Kaidan Alenko, James Vega
Disclaimer:  All characters are the property of Bioware.

Chapter Thirteen - Tempted

Alistair carried Shepard in his arms as they swiftly made their way back to Ostegar. After laying her still form onto the bed in which she had slept the previous night, he and Duncan headed straight to Irving and Wynne, telling them as best they could what had happened.

Wynne's expression was stern. "Why didn't you utilize the immobilization rune we place over the armor she was wearing, Alistair? This is precisely the kind of thing we wanted to avoid."

He tried his best to explain. "There was no time to react and when I realized what was happening, it was already too late. Please tell me she's going to be alright," he pleaded. "What can I do? Fetch you some magic potions? Gather some eye of newt or…something?"

Wynne placed a hand on Alistair's shoulder. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. This was not your doing. I'm sure you did your best."

As Irving studied Shepard's condition, Duncan pulled Alistair aside. "I know you are concerned for her well-being, but we must proceed with the joining. She is in good hands."

Working swiftly with staff in hand, Irving agreed. "You would only be in the way. Leave us to our work, both of you."

"I know, I know. You're right." With a pit in his stomach, Alistair reluctantly followed Duncan away from Shepard to meet with the new recruits.

After the door closed behind them, Irving turned to Wynne. "Whatever she encountered, it's attacking her mind, overwhelming her physical body in response."

Wynne placed her hand on Shepard's forehead. Along with Alistair, she was gravely concerned for the woman. "We need to bring down her fever. Administer elfroot."

Irving shook his head. "Already done with no effect. This is much more powerful magic than we can overcome alone. We need more mages."

Placing a poultice on Shepard's chest, Wynne used her staff to add to its healing powers. "And have even more people asking questions when they should be focusing on training for the upcoming battle? I don't think that's wise."

"I think the bright blue beam of light that shot out of the Wilds for all of the Free Marches to see already has people asking questions," Irving replied.

Considering the circumstances, Wynne agreed that there was no other choice. "So be it. I will seek out the other mages of the Circle. Shepard is strong, but we must destroy the root of her affliction if she is to survive."

This was Alistair's first joining as a Grey Warden, and the results were disappointing. Only the Dalish elf Theresa survived. Fortunately, she seemed capable and already well-trained as an archer. She would prove to be a valuable asset in the fight.

Alistair checked on Shepard's condition as his first task in the morning and his last at night. By the third day, Wynne would simply shake her head. While they could sustain her physical body through healing magic, there was nothing more that could be done. Whatever demons she faced, she would have to overcome them on her own. He would sit by her side, counting her breaths, praying to the Maker that this would be the moment she would awaken. But every evening, he would leave with his prayers unanswered.

Despite Duncan's attempts to keep Shepard's identity secret, the entire camp was soon buzzing with rumors of who this mysterious woman found in the Wilds might be. Some were claiming she was a demon, some Andraste herself. Immediately after Shepard had activated the beam of light, the darkspawn retreated back to the south. In the days that followed, it seemed that the creatures had all but disappeared. Many heralded it as the end of the darkspawn threat, but the Grey Wardens knew better. At daybreak of the fourth day, scouts returned from the south with news. The main arm of the horde had amassed together and was swiftly marching this way. The true battle would soon be upon them, and with only one to add to the Warden's ranks and Redcliff's troops still days away.

Although he was exhausted, Alistair found himself tossing and turning in his cot in the barracks, his sleep far from restful. Vivid nightmares of the archdemon filled his mind. The dragon was whipped into a frenzy, calling all darkspawn to gather together and seek out the woman who had triggered the strange beacon. For some reason, Shepard had become its new target.

I awoke on the couch in Admiral Anderson's apartment. He was kind enough to let me use it for some down time during the war. The fire was burning bright in the fireplace, the familiar hum of Citadel life filling my ears. And what was that wonderful smell?

I stretched and let out a big yawn. How long had I been asleep? It had seemed like ages.

"Shepard, I thought you'd sleep all day. I guess last night's party was a little too rowdy." I turned to see Kaidan in the kitchen making his signature grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, beer in hand.

"Party? Oh right, the party…" I vaguely remembered something like that. Zaeed booby-trapping my hot tub came to mind. Note to self: check before taking a bath.

Flipping the sandwiches onto a plate, he grabbed another beer and sat beside me on the couch. I reached for the drink only to have Kaidan slap my hand away. "Ah ah ah, not for you, darling. You had a few too many last night. I made you a cup of coffee. Two creams and a sugar, just how you like it."

"How thoughtful of you." Reaching for the steaming cup in front of me, I took a long sip and used it to warm my hands. I leaned against Kaidan's shoulder, curling my legs against his lap. "You won't believe the crazy dream I had."

He laid a kiss on my temple before attacking the sandwich. "Oh? Tell me about it."

"I was on this planet with dragons and magic, and there was this Prothean beacon…it doesn't matter. Thank God it was only a dream."

Putting down the sandwich, Kaidan turned and began rubbing my shoulders. "Wow, that does sound crazy. Tell me, what did this beacon show you? Do you remember?"

I leaned against him, pulling his arms around my waist. "Does it matter? It was just a dream."

"I'm just curious," he whispered in my ear. "Was I there?"

"No, just me. But all I wanted was to get back to you." I felt myself getting drowsy again. "Take a nap with me?"

"As soon as you tell me what the beacon showed you," he replied. "It might be important. Maybe your subconscious remembered something we should know to defeat the reapers."

I guess that made sense. "Well, let me think…"

"Shepard! You must wake up!"

What the hell? I turned around to see Admiral Anderson standing at the door. "Admiral? Why didn't you tell me you were coming over? We would have made extra sandwiches!"

In his right hand was a gleaming sword, in his left, a shield. "I am not your Admiral, Shepard. You are dreaming. Think! You are in Ostegar this moment, unconscious. You must wake up, and the only way that will happen is to realize this is not real."

Kaidan tightened his hold on me. "Don't listen to him, Shepard. He just doesn't want you to enjoy your time off. Relax here with me. Tell him to leave."

That didn't sound like Kaidan. Not real? I turned to face the man I loved, and I was shocked to see Alistair sitting in his place. "Is this what you really desire?" he said, leaning closer. "I can give it all to you…"

"You shall not have her!" Anderson cried. But it wasn't Anderson, was it?

This wasn't real…this wasn't real…I have to wake up. How do I wake up?! I shoved Alistair back as I bolted for the door.

Alistair stood to face Anderson, his form beginning to twist into something nightmarish. Before me now was a huge demon where Alistair had once been. Anderson began to change as well, shifting into the form of a woman I didn't recognize. The two beings clashed, lightning bolts flying between them, each one fighting for supremacy. Fading quickly, the room was replaced by a blinding, white light…

I found myself back in the ravaged bleakness of the dark forest. Falling on my knees, I sobbed. I could still feel Kaidan's arms around me, but it was all a deception. Lying in the dead leaves, I shut my eyes, never wanting to get up again.

I suddenly heard whispers, voices of those long gone. Ashley Williams, Mordin Solus, Richard Jenkins. Get up. Get up. Get up. Reluctantly, I finally obeyed. Trudging through the woods, I searched for a way out. No matter which direction I took, the forest never ended. More trees, always more trees. I sat down against a large, fallen trunk. How long had I been here? Hours? Days? Softly at first, then gradually louder, I began to hear the laughter of a child in the distance. Getting back on my feet, I clung to the sound desperately, following it, hoping it would lead me out…


Vega's shoulders were killing him. Alenko wasn't kidding when he said double time. By his estimation, they were about one day away from Ostegar after hiking for nearly four days with breaks only to sleep and take a piss. They even walked while they ate. While they were fairly certain that the elves were still keeping a close eye on their movements, they fortunately hadn't encountered any resistance. Strange, considering the elves had warned them of crazed, evil monsters that were supposed to be around every bend. But they weren't complaining.

Daylight was fading fast. As Vega set up camp, Kaidan hiked to a steep embankment and peered into his binoculars to reaffirm their bearings. "I can just make it out. Ostegar. Due west about 20 klicks. With luck, we should be there by nightfall tomorrow."

Climbing the ridge, Vega took a look for himself. "Hopefully we'll get some answers. And a sweet ride back to the Normandy. My blisters have blisters." Turning his gaze to the south, he was startled to see that as the sun set over the horizon, part of the sky still burned red. "What the hell do you suppose that is, Major?"

Using his omnitool, Kaidan scanned the area as far as the device would allow. What it showed wasn't encouraging. "It's hard to tell, but there's a lot of movement. If I didn't know better, I'd say it's an army encampment."

"Hopefully the good guys," Vega quipped.

"Yeah, right," Kaidan replied grimly. Somehow he doubted that. "I'm going to climb a little farther to that boulder there. Maybe I can get a better read."

Vega broke open a pouch of what claimed to be beef vegetable soup on the package. "Sounds good. I'll keep a lock on you." He sniffed the concoction warily. "We can warp through space but we still eat what looks like dog food. Amazing."

Leaving his pack behind, Kaidan moved quickly to higher ground. Scanning the horizon revealed what he feared: a massive army, thousands strong, of what the elves must have been referring to when they spoke of darkspawn. Like a swarm of locusts, they were steadily making their way toward Ostegar, that much was clear. He prayed that Ostegar had an army of equal number, or there would be nothing left by the time he and Vega arrived.

Recalibrating his omni tool due west, it began to blink a familiar signal. Grimacing, Kaidan smacked the device and shook it, convinced what it was showing was a glitch.

"It can't be. There's no way," he murmured to himself.

But the blinking arrow stubbornly remained, pointing toward Ostegar, with the command line underneath in bold:



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ClassyNerd16's avatar
Kaidan, there's still hope!